Apple launched its iOS 7 beta version 1 in June 10, 2013 at the World Wide Developers Conference. Not long after, they launched iOS 7 beta version 2. Features were enhanced, redefined, and modified to suit the daily, personal and professional needs of iPhone users. With the arrival of notable new features, along came with a redesigned user interface.
The two iDevices that was initially supported and installed with iOS 7, iPhones and iPod touch, can get the update by going to Settings, then go to General and choose Software Update. Support for iPad 2, 3rd and 4th generation iPads with Retina displays and iPad mini was released with beta version 2 and can be installed via iTunes. Alternative download site is from the Apple’s main website.
Top Enhancements
Notably missing from the beta version 1 release is the Voice Memos app. With the following iOS 7 beta version 2, Voice Memos was brought back with its new user interface design, a graphical noise wavelength and text-formatted navigation system. High Dynamic Range (HDR) option was made available on iPad’s camera. First introduced with iPhone running iOS 4.1, it captures three images in standard, over- and under-exposed modes. Once the three images are combined, it creates a true masterpiece. Siri has now a new voice with option to choose female or male voice. Synching contacts with Google was also made easier. And a lot of bugs were fixed.
With almost a million apps to choose from, the App Store has become the world’s focal point in purchasing quality and topnotch apps. It includes Popular Apps Near Me where one can find apps based on their current location. No need to worry about manually updating apps and the annoying update toolkit, iOS 7 will automatically update your apps upon detection. Kid’s category was also added so guardians can easily find apps suitable for their children.
New Features
With a beautiful design, the Music app comes with the new iTunes Radio – an Internet-based radio service with over 200 stations and tons of iTunes catalog to choose from. The new Featured Stations personalizes the user’s music experience with a gender-based station that plays music based from previous downloads and genre that you always play. The iTunes Radio also gives inside track with the latest and exclusive premieres from famous and leading artists.
Sharing photos, videos, contacts were made easy with AirDrop. It can run using Wi-Fi connection or Bluetooth. Once you select the drop recipient, AirDrop will do the rest. If you sent a photo, it will go to Photos; if you want to share a friend’s contact information, it will go directly with the recipient’s Contacts. It’s that simple. You’ll notice that the app is capable of AirDrop once you see a Share key.
Maps now include Night Mode option. Apps like FaceTime, Phone, and Messages now has blocking option that can specify a contact or a certain phone number from contacting you. The phone detection app Find My iPhone can only be turned off upon providing Apple ID and password. These are some of the latest apps that have been integrated with the release of iOS 7. Great additions to a better user experience.
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